Sunday, August 9, 2015

Wait A Minute

It seems like time is such an adversary these days.  Not enough of it.  It evades me. It runs away.  It slips through my fingers.  I try to grasp time and hang on to it.  I soak it in and revile in it.  Time does not care, though.  It keeps moving.  Time has its own agenda, despite what I want.  I want it to stop.  Time does not hear me.  It never does.

These days are just packed.  Packed with activities and people.  These days bloom with mini memories and large adventures. These days have moments.  The moments are now what I want to press into a large book and then pull put to frame and hang in a hall of recollections.  I want to just dwell there.  Smile and exhale and hug on my precious loved ones.

In these packed days, I find a little girl.  She is not so little anymore, but she is my youngest.  My little one finished elementary school in May. 
She is still mostly sweet and wants me around for the most part.  We had a standing lunch date every Friday.  I would go to the school and eat lunch with her and it cannot be missed, or it must be made up.  Forget making up ‘Snow Days’, worry over ‘Missed Lunch Days’!  This was a high priority that ranks up there with food and sleep.

This little girl has grown and makes me wonder, “Why does time have to keep moving?”  Why can’t I just stop her from getting older even for just a short time?  Halle is my little girl and I treasure all of the things about her.  She wakes up and is ready to do her business of the day.  She talks first thing in the morning and makes her own lunch.  Clearly, this trait is not from me.  She likes to organize social events and loves art.  Halle has a heart for animals and loves her dog and cat-almost to a fault.  The dog can take it but the cat needs a hiatus sometimes from all that love.  Halle loves going to the barn and loves to ride horses.  Her heart spills over with love for creatures!

If you don’t know Halle well, she has a few little gems I love.  Along with her desire to decorate for any holiday and her organizing, she has no desire for being scared.  Don’t scare her.  Just don’t do it.  If you hide and then jump out, you better move away quickly.  She will slap you into next week, once she recovers.  All that aside, Halle will share will share any food with you. I think this is a delightful trait for the youngest of three.

One of the last days at the bus stop in 5th grade with Delaney and the dogs-Chopper and Indy

This is not only a time for growth and my youngest moving on to her next stage, but it is a bittersweet time when we close the chapter of Elementary School for our family.  Those last few days of 5th grade were treasured. In my mind, I will forever etch the vision of my baby getting on that school bus and blowing kisses to me out the window. I will cling to those tight hugs she gave me when she left for the school day.  I will relish all of those memories of school lunch that held a special spot on my calendar each Friday.

I am so excited to see what God has planned for Halle in her next chapter.  He has thoughts of good for her (Jer. 29:11)! She can claim that promise. As the next stage unfolds, I can love the days.  These are great days and sweet days.  How I want them to just stop.  Stop moving for just a minute.  Wait a minute.

So to my special youngest child, my sweet-note-writer, and my hug-giver, I pray your next stage will be wonderful.  Go forth into Middle School.  I love you, Halle, and I always will!

With Love and Joy,


“Like a devoted gardener, I will pour sweet water on parched land, streams on hard-packed ground; I will pour My spirit on your children and grandchildren—and let My blessing flow to your descendants.”  -Isaiah 44:3

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and
Our family adventure this summer and my girls
not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” –Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, May 4, 2015

Put Your Heels Down and Get Mad

My daughters enjoy riding horses. Actually they enjoy all-things horse.  What I know is that this love comes honestly.  I have the love.  What I forgot is all of the life lessons that can be learned from riding and well, horses.

I know there are volumes of books written on the subject.  I can only pull from my experiences today.  My middle child is an undercover worker bee.  She has a little bit of grit to work toward a goal.  Fairly laid back, so one would not always notice her grit, but it is there.  Sometimes you have to dig deep for that grit. 
Sometimes you have to trust others, who are wiser than you.  Sometimes you also have to trust you can do this.  Horses can really push some of these things out of the very bottom of yourself and the tips of your toes.

On a beautiful day recently we went to the barn for a riding lesson.  My girls ride at a barn where there are always lessons and usually the swapping of assigned steeds for the lesson.  Erin is their instructor and owner of the barn. She is an accomplished teacher, rider and has a degree from a wonderful riding college.  Most importantly, she has years of experience.  Horse experience.

Let me stop right here and let you know that I am no horse expert.  I did not go to a riding college.  I did grow up riding and owned a pony for a little while.  I also immersed myself into all things horse for a portion of my young life.  So, I may be a little rusty on the horse front, but I have a fair amount of intuition left in me.  When the girls started riding at this barn a few years ago, I felt it was a good fit.  Erin knows what she is doing, she knows her horses and she seems to quickly know the young riders.  There was my intuition nudging me.  A good fit and some wisdom to boot (pun totally intended)!
Conversations before a horse show

So on a glorious day in early February, we arrived at the barn for a lesson.  The barn office is the hub where riders are greeted and the riders are assigned a horse for the lesson.  The girls both raced into the barn to get started for the lesson.  On this day, I sat in the truck to watch the lesson and get a few things done.

Deep in thought, I was startled when the back door opened and shut quickly.  It was my middle child.  I turned to look at her and saw she was digging around for her water bottle.  So I turned back around as I said, “Oh you forgot your water?”
I then heard her breathing change and I turned to find her starting to get upset.  I asked, “What is wrong?”  Middle Child explained that she was assigned to ride a particular horse that day for the lesson.  This was upsetting to her because this horse is sometimes…snarky.  She started going on about all the reasons she did not want to ride this horse.  Sometimes he bucks.  Sometimes he does not like other horses, oh and look there are others riding in the paddock now!  I am not sure Middle Child breathed as these fears rolled off her tongue.  I knew why she had some fear, this horse was indeed snarky.

So I finally got a word in between all of the heavy breathing.  I told Middle Child that Erin knew what she was doing.  She had her reasons for assigning that horse.  Erin also knew Middle Child as a rider.  She would not put Middle Child on this horse if there was not confidence it could be done.  I also said it might be tough but it would make her a better rider. 
“But what if he bucks?” she asked.
I replied, “Then just put your heels down and get mad.  Don’t let that horse win.  You win.  You have the last say.”  I went on to tell her if she can ride this horse, she could ride any horse there.

Middle Child pulled herself together and seemed to listen. 
She got out of the truck and headed into the barn.  A few minutes later, she emerged leading that snarky horse.  He followed her lead and they made their way to the paddock where others were starting to ride.  Erin was waiting and the lesson soon began.

I chose to stay in the car this time.  I could see the lesson and sometimes Mom needs to give some distance.  The lesson went smoothly from what I could see.  Afterwards, I spoke with Erin and she complimented Middle Child and her performance in the lesson.

When Middle Child finished all of the grooming in the barn, she emerged once again leading her horse out to pasture.  She was relaxed and confident.  The girls were in the truck a few minutes later and ready to leave.
“How did it go?” I asked.  Youngest Child talked about her great lesson and enjoyed her horse selection that day.  Middle Child was very excited about her lesson and even surprised herself.
Then she said this, “Hey Mom, now I think I can handle riding any horse here!”

Don’t you just love it when it is almost like they claim the epiphany you shared with them earlier?  It’s stated as if they just thought of it on their own.  Spoken like they just found the answer to a crazy word problem—and it was correct.  That, my friends, is what I like to think of as the ‘bonus’ in the parenting world.  You tell them something and then they see you just might be right.  (Someone please tell my kids I do know a few things…we will just go with ‘a few’)

This all made me think of choices that were in front of me lately.  If I do the groundwork and prepare and then pray about it, why do I seem to have heavy breathing?  Why do I let doubt creep in and tell me I am not able?

It comes down to trust.  I should trust in the Lord in all my circumstances.  Ask for direction and then… wait for it, LISTEN. 

Listen to wise advice.  Just like the Instructor knew my middle child and the horse, God knows what we can’t see at times.

When facing doubt, sometimes you just need to put your heels down and get mad.

Ride on with Joy,


“If you listen to advice and are willing to learn, on day you will be wise.” –Proverbs 19:20 (GNT)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.  Never rely on what you think you know.  Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.” –Proverbs 3:5-6 (GNT)
My girls during a horse show at the barn.


Friday, April 10, 2015

Washing Old Pants and an Easter Treasure

Did you ever have a time when things turn out pretty great even though the path to get there is filled with a few rocks of frustration, pebbles of doubt and stones of hindrance?  That was Easter for me this year.  It’s not that I expected it to be perfect but this Holy day had the beginnings of a little crazy.

The 'Adult table'.  I went simple this year--thank goodness!
I thought the wonderful celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection would go as I planned it out in my head.  A happy family would go to early church, dressed appropriately in the sunshine.  This was my first expectation.  Then happy family would come home for a few great pictures and dash inside to prepare to host another family for lunch and the afternoon filled with food and laughter.  This was my second expectation.  I forgot to add the part about Mama being stress-free because I was so ultra-organized that I had the house perfectly cleaned and all food ready to go early.  That was not only my third expectation, but a stinking dream. 

The night before, I finally persuaded the oldest child, Honey Badger, to try on khaki pants I purchased days ago.  His current pants were too short by just a bit.  Three pairs were reluctantly addressed and none of them fit correctly. Somehow I picked up a ‘skinny fit’ pair or two but these looked too groovy on my teenager.  So then I was washing old pants at nine in the evening.

My Tween never tried on the tops I purchased for her but I announced to her she was just stuck with them.  So sorry.  I did come out strong with my youngest child.  My youngest chose a dress from the lot of the massive amounts of clothing I purchased two weeks prior.  Oh mercy me, the loads I brought home with hope these girls would try on and say, “Why yes, Mama, this is awesome!”  Needless to say, I have a few returns to make this week.

Easter morning came and I started my day off peaceful with quiet time and coffee.    It was so nice.  I thanked the Lord for this great day and gift.  I plugged in the iron and prepped for breakfast.  Then, I started the journey of the day’s events.

I woke the girls and they were glad to get up.  The idea of chocolate candy when the sun comes up will get them out of bed anytime.  The Easter Bunny always hides filled eggs around our house on Easter morning.  I began to iron Honey Badger’s pants and the girls were hunting eggs in pajamas with sleepy, squinty eyes.  As I iron, I am breaking up a few dozen arguments of the hunt.  One is bragging of her loot.  The other is racing around ahead of the first one.  What is a holiday tradition on a Holy morning without arguments?

The family manages to get up, get dressed and finally get in the car.  We were late to early church but we made it.  We park in the very far quadrant of the parking lot.  My husband noted how full the parking seemed for eight in the morning!  I shivered as I exited the car and we were all shocked by the chill in the air on that walk inside.  We walked very fast.

The Worship service was wonderful on Easter Sunday.  The message was clear and the presentation was a gift. Jesus came down.  He died and resurrected.  He is HERE.  It was all so beautiful and moving. The music was amazing.  My heart was full.

After church, we rushed home to take the traditional Easter pictures.  These are the absolute worst moments of the day for my children.  The sighs are growing louder as I usher the family to the most decent spot I have in the yard.  “No one cares”, Honey Badger said –like ten times.  He thinks if he does not care about Easter pictures that no one should.  Sorry again.  Mom and Dad trump that thought.
The thrill of family photos...
We take pictures.  It was cold and the ground was wet and the sky was overcast.  Honey Badger wore neon yellow socks that show just enough beneath his khaki pants.  He avoided the ironed, button-down shirt and went for last year’s polo shirt and a pullover.  Seriously?  A pullover?  The girls were dressed in their attire and making all sorts of faces.  In the end, I have pictures and they are my children.  They are still beautiful to me despite the chaotic morning and wardrobe malfunctions. 

Finally some happy faces!

I moved on to the kitchen and started my last-minute meal prep.  As pots and pans began to fly, I was thankful we all decided to make it simple this year.  As I try to resemble some strange version of Rachel Ray, I reviewed in my head how things seemed to be all out of sorts for me and Easter this year.  My schedule is different.  The weather was crappy.  We have had so many activities.  I came to a good conclusion for myself.  All I know is I usually have my Easter decorations out weeks in advance and my food is at least half-finished by Saturday.  Not the case for Easter 2015.  I was silently beating myself up while I beat the mashed potatoes.

The doorbell rang and the Steiner family arrived.  What a breath of fresh air.  We have known this family for about fifteen years and invited them to Easter lunch for the first time nine years ago.  Neither family has any extended family living in town.  Nine years ago, the Steiner’s had a newborn and two little girls near my girls’ ages.  We invited them so we all would have community and give them a little break on the cooking with so many little ones.  So the tradition stuck.  We have enjoyed the tradition and the kids enjoy it as well.  Honey Badger is a little bit indifferent, since there is no ‘boy’ Steiner but he goes along.
All of the girls after a fun day together.

We get the all five girls situated and bless the food in the kitchen.  The adults and Honey Badger head to the dining room for our meal.  We blessed our food and start.  Around the adult table, stories are told and we catch up on activities and family news.  We laugh until we cry.  The kids trickle in and out and beg for dessert.  Hours pass and we are still at the table talking and laughing.  It’s an Easter tradition and an Easter Treasure. 

I am sure I will have more Easters with rushed food and crazy clothing.  I am sure I will have more Easters with a house that is not as organized as I would like.   I reflect on Easter Sunday and think of the great moments.  We had a wonderful worship at church and I got my pictures.  We had a good lunch with sweet friends.  We were together.  This Easter turned out pretty great.  The path may have hurt my bare feet with the stones and rocks but when I reached the grass it was great.  My feet helped me remember to be grateful when I got there.

Until the next holiday filled with a few kid arguments and some extra helpings of gratefulness, go forth with Joy!
Not sure about this one...but seems to be a familiar scenario


Count it all JOY:
“Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing.” -James 1:2-4

What holiday hazards have you encountered that have turned out to be grateful moments?  Comment below!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Escaped Goats and The New Year

It’s well into the New Year and the old year did not feel like it had enough time in it!  These days seem to go by quickly for the most part.  Here we are and it is March.  Some moments seem to linger- like when you have a list of things or appointments and you seem to forget something.  Those are moments that force us to say things like, “I’m going to change this!” or “I stink at this!” or “Where are my keys?”  Oh well, maybe the ‘keys’ part is for a discussion on another day.

With the New Year comes Resolutions for many.  I personally don’t care for resolutions.  It is not that I am not driven to make small changes to improve myself or how I do things.  I DO want those things. Making New Year Resolutions and keeping them is not my gift.  I prefer to write out a few goals.  Those goals are a small challenge but attainable.  I also give myself about six months and then reevaluate.  Instead of “Keep the house spotless!” as a New Year Resolution, I like “Get back on a good cleaning routine” as a goal.  I did not say it would be perfect or spotless.  I mean, who do you think I am?  I have 3 kids and two large pets.  There are days I count dust/fur bunnies as small pets!  I am talking about progress, people.  Attainable progress.

One of my goals for 2015 is to get a good schedule and routine for the kids’ study habits and activities (and not miss some of those said activities).  I started a project in the fall and finished it around November to help with this goal.  It is a giant chalkboard calendar in my laundry room near the hub of the house, the kitchen.  The Laundry Room wall once had a regular-sized dry erase calendar in that room.  I finally realized it did not work well, as there just was not enough room for appointments and important dates.  There was also a need to have these all displayed so anyone in the family could walk in there and see what was coming up.  When do I have a game?  When is my project due?  When do I go for the flu shot?  Actually, I don’t put that scary stuff on there.  Don’t need freak-outs for a week.
One of the collected hooks for the Laundry Room

After being inspired by a few posts on Pinterest, I calculated how large I needed each date square and then went from there.  The whole Laundry Room was painted a fresh coat of the current paint.  I used Frog Tape and taped off the entire section for the calendar.  Then a few coats of dark gray chalk paint were painted over the area.  I had four plates I received as a gift from my mom and they were just waiting to brighten up my serious space of important dates.  Those were hung above the calendar.  I also decided a few hooks were in order for jackets and lunchboxes (and hats and gloves).  I purchased a 6-foot board and painted it an accent color of a pale turquoise, a light version of the blue in the plates.  The board was distressed and waxed.  After collecting a few different hooks, they were installed on the board and all mounted on the wall below the calendar.  There is a plan for making the window look nicer and finished, but that is on hold for the moment.  I love how the calendar turned out and it seems to work well for us…for now. 
The finished wall...finally!

My other goals for the New Year include carving out more one-on-one time for each child, having game nights, and reaching out to others.  That brings me to a bizarre thing that happened to me a few weeks ago.  I say it “happened” to me but I chose to plug in and see if I could help.  After an orthodontist appointment, I was leaving my son’s school after dropping him for the remainder of the day.  Across the street from the school entrance, is a home with a sweet little pasture and a small herd of goats.  We talk about the goats at random and the German Shepherds that seem to enjoy the herding. 

On this day, I noticed the goats were in a neighbor’s driveway searching frantically for a way back in their pasture.  I am an animal person and immediately felt bad for the goats but I was also concerned for their safety by the semi-busy road.  Then I feared for the safety of drivers and avoiding a random goat that could perhaps run into the street.  I decided to make a quick turn into the driveway of the farm owner.  I did not see any of the German Shepherds nor did I see a car.  My plan was to ring the doorbell and see if they realized the goats had escaped so they could get them back safely in the pasture.  After I rang the doorbell and stood back, the goats seemed to see ME.  They started making their way around the pasture, and down the edge of the road.  Oh boy.  The goats came swiftly, in a herd!  I was thinking that I did not want to be a witness of the hitting of a goat by a car.  I could not take it.  I promise I would be a mess.  The goats were in a sprint now, yelling their goat language toward me.  I ran to the street and just waved down oncoming traffic.  Let’s get these goats home safe.  No hitting of the goats, please.  The goats were coming straight for me and I was briefly curious what they would do.  Would I be ushered around by the goats? Then the herd of sprinting, yelling goats turned into the driveway and ran straight to the back yard.  
Whew.  I was relieved as the owner never answered the door and I assumed no one was home.  The goats seemed to settle and gather more quietly there in that back yard.  I decided it was time to go.  Goats are in yard of owner of goats.  Goats are calmer and not yelling goat language.  Yup.

Reaching out to others in a different way.  Trying to help.  I was stepping out of my schedule to stop and plug in.  I don’t think anyone really saw me but the puzzled motorists passing by.  Well, the goats saw me.  I think they were grateful.  I felt like I did what needed to be done.  I would do it again. We all need to pay it forward with a moment here and there.  I sure need to do this more.  Sometimes it just takes a note or an email.  Most of the time you have to be deliberate about this.  Reaching out to others (including your family even in the midst of exams, recitals, house guests and whatever else you may want to throw in there) many times can just involve taking a moment to smell the roses and notice those around you.  A smile or even a Good Samaritan effort may only take a moment.  Those are moments that may mean so much to someone….or a few goats!
Image courtesy of

With Joy,
“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” –Romans 12:18

Comment below and tell me your favorite Good Samaritan effort…I may need ideas!
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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thoughts on a Birthday

I realize that one of my last posts was a bulleted list of thoughts.  I have been shameful on here and have not had a post in months.  I promised myself that I will get back to this more frequently.  I said, “Self, it is a good outlet for all of your random thoughts. Get back on it.”  Unlike some people in my house, I did not roll my eyes at what I said. 
I thought this was a brilliant capture of me around age 4.
I am sneaking around in a garage trying to grab an animal and love it and
squeeze it.  Poor kitty. Oh how I loved animals...

There is reflection on some things that have changed or have become more noticeable in the last year or two.  So here are some random thoughts from today, which is actually my birthday.  I was born on Lincoln’s Birthday and two days before Valentine’s Day so that makes it easy for loved ones to remember.  Ha ha.  One would think…

Birthday thoughts and this season of life:

1.      Birthdays keep coming
2.      I guess #1 is a good thing because it means I am still here.
3.      Two out of three kids recommend reminders of a parent’s birthday because they can’t remember it.
4.      My dog and cat may love me the most around here (I live with some middle school kids, people).
5.      The laundry and dust bunnies don’t stop for birthdays.  Bless the laundry and those dust bunnies.  It means I have some people and creatures living here.
6.      In fact, attitude does not stop for birthdays.  See #4.
7.      I realize I need readers, stretching, good shoes (read: great insoles), sleep and patience MORE than I did a year or so ago.
8.      Adolescent hormones can really be a ‘Debbie Downer’ on most days.  Who are these Jekyll-Hyde people anyway?
9.      Friday’s tend to arrive with a big sigh of relief…until you get the social agenda of your Adolescents.  Why am I traded more now as a Chauffeur instead of a movie night buddy?
10. In the past year I have used so many passwords on tablets, computers, accounts, televisions, iPods and other things that plug in or use batteries.  I am seriously depleting ideas.  Please send me some new passwords.
11. I think my doctor roster has expanded. So has my need for vitamins.
12. I view appliances –both large and small—as an army of steel support staff.  This year I have had a hard time keeping my staff.  They have quit on me.  Big ones.  Shhh, don’t tell the refrigerator.
13. My stretch ‘Adolescent Social Hauler’ is known as The Beast.  The Beast is 9 and needs to keep with me just a few years longer.  I love The Beast more now than I did before.  It had a bad run with a giant buck on the interstate last fall. It saved me but needed many repairs.  The Beast is good and accommodates all of those growing long legs, extra friends, carpool and miscellaneous gear that must be carted around for three kids and the family.
14. Living in the ‘selfie generation’, none of my kids will take selfies with me.  I really don’t ask unless I have on makeup.  I am prepared but ultimately shut down. #Ineedpics
15. I crave wisdom more now.  I look to books, wise counsel (including our parents!), prayer and God’s Word.  Oh boy, parenting will really get you into some wisdom-searching, won’t it? While I am definitely flawed, I am certainly gonna work on things.  Like Lysa Terkeurst says in her book, The Best Yes, I am going to “show up to practice.”  Wisdom is hard work.  I need to practice it every single day.
16. I find I need to verbalize why I am grateful all the time.  Early this morning, I wrote in my journal three things of gratitude for today.  Here is what I wrote:
1)     Glad for birthdays so I can be grateful.
2)     Glad for the gift of family and friends who pray for me and love me.
3)     Glad for God’s love and The Word to guide me.

Until we read again, safe travels on your journey today.  May you find a moment to get your readers out, avoid some hormones and reflect on a bit of gratitude.

Me and my pony Duchess.  Circa maybe 5th grade.
Animal lover, horse lover.
Did not always love the brother in the background when he bothered me.
The days of sibling aggravation--you were always  one step away from getting punished
Love you, Bro!

With Joy,


“The Lord makes firm steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” – Psalm 37:23-24

To learn more about the book I mentioned, go to
Or check out Lysa TerKeurst’s Facebook page: