Thursday, May 24, 2012

These ARE Days...

Today is the last day of 5th grade for my Walker.  I am not sure he really understands this is a big step and it has some finality to it.  I wrote him a letter last night and gave it to him!  I just wrote about what it means and why I get so weepy.  Part of it goes like this..

I seem to cry a lot about it because it is very emotional for me.  I just can’t believe you are so grown up!  You were such a small dude just a few years back and needed me for everything.  As much as I want you to learn to do things for yourself, it is hard as a mom when I look up and I am not needed anymore—especially for hugs and lunches and visits!”

I also told him to enjoy every minute of today and look around and take it in.  I explained in the Bible God tells us our job is to “train up a child the way he should go…” and part of that job is to let go a little every year.  Kids are on loan to us from above!  I gave him the letter and tucked him in with tears and hugs.

In my prayer time earlier, I did pray prayers of praise.  “Praise for endings and new beginnings!  Thank you Thank you!!!”  I am trying to be so grateful and take in these moments.

So before I just weep and weep til there is nothing left I will wrap this up for today.  I will sign off with words from a song that hit me like a Mack truck last week.  I just think of all my kids and how they change.  I really think of Walker as he will be such a big kid next fall.  The song is ‘These Are Days’ by 10,000 Maniacs.  If you have not listened to it, or listened to it lately, do (you can go to Spotify and listen to the whole song free).  It is great and moving and lovely…

These are the days
These are days you’ll remember
Never before and never since, I promise
Will the whole world be warm as this
And as you feel it,
You’ll know it’s true
That you are blessed and lucky
It’s true that you
Are touched by something
That will grow and bloom in you

These are days that you’ll remember
When May is rushing over you
With desire to be part of the miracles
You see in every hour
You’ll know it’s true
That you are blessed and lucky
It’s true that you are touched
By something that will grow and bloom in you

These are days
These are the days you might fill
With laughter until you break
These days you might feel
A shaft of light
Make its way across your face
And when you do
Then you’ll know how it was meant to be
See the signs and know their meaning
It's true
Then you’ll know how it was meant to be
Hear the signs and know they’re speaking
To you, to you

Have a blessed day and enjoy those kids you have!  You are blessed and lucky!
