Sunday, August 9, 2015

Wait A Minute

It seems like time is such an adversary these days.  Not enough of it.  It evades me. It runs away.  It slips through my fingers.  I try to grasp time and hang on to it.  I soak it in and revile in it.  Time does not care, though.  It keeps moving.  Time has its own agenda, despite what I want.  I want it to stop.  Time does not hear me.  It never does.

These days are just packed.  Packed with activities and people.  These days bloom with mini memories and large adventures. These days have moments.  The moments are now what I want to press into a large book and then pull put to frame and hang in a hall of recollections.  I want to just dwell there.  Smile and exhale and hug on my precious loved ones.

In these packed days, I find a little girl.  She is not so little anymore, but she is my youngest.  My little one finished elementary school in May. 
She is still mostly sweet and wants me around for the most part.  We had a standing lunch date every Friday.  I would go to the school and eat lunch with her and it cannot be missed, or it must be made up.  Forget making up ‘Snow Days’, worry over ‘Missed Lunch Days’!  This was a high priority that ranks up there with food and sleep.

This little girl has grown and makes me wonder, “Why does time have to keep moving?”  Why can’t I just stop her from getting older even for just a short time?  Halle is my little girl and I treasure all of the things about her.  She wakes up and is ready to do her business of the day.  She talks first thing in the morning and makes her own lunch.  Clearly, this trait is not from me.  She likes to organize social events and loves art.  Halle has a heart for animals and loves her dog and cat-almost to a fault.  The dog can take it but the cat needs a hiatus sometimes from all that love.  Halle loves going to the barn and loves to ride horses.  Her heart spills over with love for creatures!

If you don’t know Halle well, she has a few little gems I love.  Along with her desire to decorate for any holiday and her organizing, she has no desire for being scared.  Don’t scare her.  Just don’t do it.  If you hide and then jump out, you better move away quickly.  She will slap you into next week, once she recovers.  All that aside, Halle will share will share any food with you. I think this is a delightful trait for the youngest of three.

One of the last days at the bus stop in 5th grade with Delaney and the dogs-Chopper and Indy

This is not only a time for growth and my youngest moving on to her next stage, but it is a bittersweet time when we close the chapter of Elementary School for our family.  Those last few days of 5th grade were treasured. In my mind, I will forever etch the vision of my baby getting on that school bus and blowing kisses to me out the window. I will cling to those tight hugs she gave me when she left for the school day.  I will relish all of those memories of school lunch that held a special spot on my calendar each Friday.

I am so excited to see what God has planned for Halle in her next chapter.  He has thoughts of good for her (Jer. 29:11)! She can claim that promise. As the next stage unfolds, I can love the days.  These are great days and sweet days.  How I want them to just stop.  Stop moving for just a minute.  Wait a minute.

So to my special youngest child, my sweet-note-writer, and my hug-giver, I pray your next stage will be wonderful.  Go forth into Middle School.  I love you, Halle, and I always will!

With Love and Joy,


“Like a devoted gardener, I will pour sweet water on parched land, streams on hard-packed ground; I will pour My spirit on your children and grandchildren—and let My blessing flow to your descendants.”  -Isaiah 44:3

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and
Our family adventure this summer and my girls
not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” –Jeremiah 29:11